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c, c++ ,c#, vc

eBooks » C++ In a Nutshell

Publisher : O'Reilly - By Ray Lischner

C++ in a Nutshell packs an enormous amount of information on C++ (and the many libraries used with it) in an indispensable quick reference for those who live in a deadline-driven world and need the facts but not the frills.

Cross-references link related methods, classes, and other key features.

This is an ideal resource for students as well as professional programmers.

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Language Basics Chapter 2: Declarations Chapter 3: Expressions
Chapter 4: Statements Chapter 5: Functions Chapter 6: Classes

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eBooks » C# Language Pocket Reference

Publisher : O'Reilly - by Ben Albahari; Peter Drayton; Ted Neward

The C# Language Pocket Reference offers the convenience of a quick reference in a format that will actually fit in your pocket.

The book includes a guide to C# language elements, a brief overview of the Framework Class library, a cross-reference for namespaces and assemblies, a list of compiler syntax and switches, a regular expressions reference guide, and more.

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Identifiers and Keywords Chapter 2: Fundamental Elements Chapter 3: Value and Reference Types
Chapter 4: Predefined Types Chapter 5: Arrays Chapter 6: Variables and Parameters
Chapter 7: Expressions and Operators Chapter 8: Statements Chapter 9: Namespaces
Chapter 10: Classes Chapter 11: Access Modifiers Chapter 12: Structs
Chapter 13: Interfaces Chapter 14: Enums Chapter 15: Delegates
Chapter 16: Events Chapter 17: Operator Overloading Chapter 18: Try Statements and Exceptions
Chapter 19: Attributes Chapter 20: Unsafe Code and Pointers Chapter 21: Preprocessor Directives
Chapter 22: Framework Class Library Overview Chapter 23: Namespaces and Assemblies Chapter 24: Regular Expressions
Chapter 25: Format Specifiers Chapter 26: C# Compiler Options Chapter 27: Essential .NET Tools

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eBooks » C# Essentials

Publisher : O'Reilly By Ben Albahari, Peter Drayton, Brad Merrill

Concise but thorough, this second edition of C# Essentials introduces the Microsoft C# programming language, including the Microsoft .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and .NET Framework Class Libraries (FCL) that support it.

This book's compact format and terse presentation of key concepts serve as a roadmap to the online documentation included with the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK; the many examples provide much-needed context.

Table of Content

Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. C# Language Reference Chapter 3. Programming the.NET Framework
Chapter 4. Framework Class Library Overview Chapter 5. Essential .NET Tools  

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eBooks » Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones

Publisher : -

This latest edition provides you with the tools to become an effective Symbian OS developer and offers a deep understanding o the fundamental principles upon which Symbian OS is based. The text is also complemented with a suite of examples.

Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones Volume 3 includes:

  • An introduction to Symbian C++, with descriptions of the basic building blocks and usage patters.
  • Examples that are fully compatible with the latest Carbide.++ Symbain IDEs guide the reader through increasingly complex aspects of Symbian C++.
  • The core concepts, resources and programming idioms that you need to create, test and publish a non-trivial GUI (graphical user interface) application.
  • An introduction to some of the most significant Symbian OS system services: extensibility and the use of plug-ins and practical descriptions of the communications, multimedia and database services.
  • Advice on the available range of graphics APIs and help to ensure that your application code is as device-independent as possible.

As it is targeted at the high-growth area where computers and mobile communications converge, Symbian OS gives you unparalleled opportunities in mass-market, enterprise and system programming.

If you've programmed in C++ at any level, and wish to develop software for mobile phones, this book is essential.

Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones Volume 3 draws on the experience of Symbian's own engineers to provide you with a thorough grounding in writing C++ applications for mobile phones using the latest version of Symbian OS and beyond.

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eBooks » Introduction to Game Programming with C++

Publisher : -

Introduction to Game Programming with C++ is an exciting book for readers with no previous experience in game development.

Starting from the basics of C++ and ending with the intracies of real-time 3D graphics, this book explores the interesting world of game making.

It explains how to program, explores the meaning of object-oriented programming, and examines game algorithms, 2D and 3D games, sound and music, and how to create game installers.

Overall, this book will introduce you to the world of game development and get you started on the right path to making games that sell.

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eBooks » Sams teach yourself Visual C++. NET in 24 hours

Publisher : Sam

This book is for developers who want to develop .NET applications using Visual C++ 7.0 as the programming language.

It covers the new features of Visual C++ which support .NET while lightly covering the new MFC and ATL enhancements as they relate to the .NET architecture, but focuses heavily on developing for the .NET framework.

The book takes the reader through a simple .NET application, a more advanced application, and Internet development in .NET. The reader is also shown the differences between managed and unmanaged Visual C++ code and how to integrate them--critical information for migrating legacy C++ applications to the .NET architecture.

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eBooks » Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner

Publisher : Sam

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner focuses on teaching first time programmers how to program using Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition as a foundation language.

Written for the entry-level user, the book assumes no prior programming or scripting experience.

Whether you are a new or experienced C++ developer, this book delivers the tools and libraries you need to write a variety of programs.

Written in a straight-forward style, using a games-based approach that makes learning beginning-level programming fun and easy, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner is the perfect introductory programming book.

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Other C/C++/C# E-Book Files

OReilly , Practical C++ Programming Download Here..
Que , C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook Download Here..
Sams , C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition Download Here..
Sams , C++ Unleashed-en Download Here..
Sams , C Programming - Just the FAQS Download Here..
Wrox , C++ tutorial Download Here..
C++ In Action: Industrial Strength Programming Techniques Download Here..