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Oracle Database

Oracle Database 11g New Features

Publisher : by Robert G. Freeman
Your Must-Have Guide to Everything New in Oracle Database 11g

Realize the full potential of Oracle Database 11g with help from the experts. Written by Robert G. Freeman, and with insightful commentary throughout from Arup Nanda, this Oracle Press guide offers full details on the architectural changes, database administration upgrades, availability and recovery revisions, security enhancements, and programming innovations. Every new and updated feature is covered and presented with screenshots, code samples, tables, and charts. Find out how to take full advantage of all the new and improved

capabilities of Oracle Database 11g, including:

*New Oracle Automatic Storage Management features, such as Fast Disk Resync, Compatibility Attributes, Preferred Mirror Read, and Rolling Upgrade components
*Improved Automated Memory Management capabilities
*New database design features, such as virtual columns, tablespace encryption, and true table-level data compression
*New Database Advisors for data recovery and repair, partitioning, and streams performance
*New tuning features, such as Automatic SQL Tuning and SQL Performance Analyzer
*Enhancements to Oracle RMAN, including active database duplication and UNDO backup optimization
*Improved auditing and security capabilities
*Advanced BI, data warehousing, and partitioning features
*New SQL and PL/SQL enhancements
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Digital Press Oracle High Performance Tuning for 9i and 10g

Publisher : Gavin Powell, Microsoft and Database consultant; Author of seven database books.

There are three parts to tuning an Oracle database: data modeling, SQL code tuning and physical database configuration. A data model contains tables and relationships between tables.

Tuning a data model involves normalization and de-normalization. Different approaches are required depending on the application, such as OLTP or a Data Warehouse. Inappropriate database design can make SQL code impossible to tune.

Poor data modeling can have a most profound effect on database performance since all SQL code is constructed from the data model. Poorly written SQL code is often a culprit of performance problems and is expensive to rectify. However, tuning of SQL code is generally cheaper than changing the data model.

SQL code tends to be contained inside independent blocks within applications or stored procedures. Physical database tuning involves hardware resource usage, networking and various other Oracle things such as configuration and file distribution. Physical configuration is often a culprit of poor performance where Oracle is installed with defaults, and never altered by an expert.

*Includes all three aspects of Oracle database tuning: data model tuning, SQL & PL/SQL code tuning, physical plus configuration tuning
*Contains experienced guidance and real-world examples using large datasets
*Emphasizes development as opposed to operating system perspective


Data Model Tuning: emphasis on both relational and object model tuning for Java and other object designed Internet OLTP applications. SQL Code Tuning: tune SQL statements both with and without using Optimizer query plans. Physical and Configuration Tuning: creating a well-balanced physical and configuration architecture at initial Oracle installation; bottleneck tuning.

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Learning Oracle PL-SQL

Publisher : By Bill Pribyl With Steven Feuerstein

Designed for both new programmers and those experienced in other languages, this book presents the core features of Oracle's PL/SQL language in an easy-to-read format.

Learning Oracle PL/SQL will bring programmers up to speed on the most important aspects of PL/SQL, including web and Internet programming. Updated through Oracle9i

Table of Content

Chapter 1: PL/SQL: What, When, and Where Chapter 2: Fundamentals
Chapter 3: Let's Code! Chapter 4: Go Web, Young Man
Chapter 5: Fetch! Chapter 6: Keeping House
Chapter 7: Security: Keep the Bad Guys Out Chapter 8: Communicating with the Outside World
Chapter 9: Intermediate Topics and Other Diversions Chapter 10: Afterword: "Making Good" of Database Programming

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Oracle Database 10g, A Beginner's Guide

Publisher : by Ian Abramson, Michael Abbey, and Michael Corey

Provides beginning DBAs and developers with a solid foundation in the database administration and programming basics needed to embark on an Oracle career. The focus is on Oracle Database 10g, but you’ll get the fundamentals applicable to all Oracle database releases.

Learn the fundamental concepts of Oracle Database 10g administration and programming from this step-by-step beginner’s guide. Through self-paced tutorials, learn about database essentials, the role of the administrator, and large database features. You’ll also get an in-depth introduction to SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and XML programming. Get on your way to becoming an expert Oracle DBA, developer, or user by following the proven learning method of this Oracle Press guide:

  • Core Concepts--Each concept is divided into logically organized chapters, ideal for self-paced learning
  • Critical Skills--Every chapter opens with the specific skills covered in the chapter
  • Projects--Practical exercises show how to apply the critical skills learned in each chapter
  • Progress Checks--Quick self-assessment sections check your progress
  • Ask the Experts--Q&A sections throughout are filled with bonus information and helpful tips
  • Mastery Checks--End-of-chapter reviews test knowledge using short-answer, multiple-choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions

Table of Content

Chapter 1. Database fundamentals Chapter 2. SQL : structured query language
Chapter 3. The database administrator Chapter 4. Networking
Chapter 5. Backup and recovery Chapter 6. PL/SQL
Chapter 7. Java Chapter 8. XML
Chapter 9. Large database features

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Oracle Collaboration Suite Handbook

Publisher : -
Maximize the Capabilities of Oracle Collaboration Suite
Facilitate enterprisewide communication, data sharing, and team work using Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g and the in-depth information contained in this Oracle Press guide. Oracle Collaboration Suite Handbook explains how to install, implement, manage, and optimize the suite in an enterprise environment. You'll discover how you can use this powerful tool to securely, reliably, and cost-effectively enable real-time collaboration, streamline business processes, simplify data distribution, and consolidate corporate information.

*Tailor a system-specific Oracle Collaboration Suite environment
*Install the Infrastructure Tier, Datastore Tier, and Applications Tier
*Perform successful migrations to Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g
*Create, manage, monitor, and delete user accounts with provisioning
*Control processes, components, and subcomponents from the command line and the Enterprise Manager Browser interface
*Perform reliable full and partial database backups and restores
*Monitor, analyze, and act on system log files
*Administer applications, application components, and program functionality
*Manipulate unstructured data using intelligent containers and Oracle Content Services

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Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition

Publisher : by Ian Abramson, Michael Abbey, and Michael Corey
The vast majority of Oracle SQL books discuss some syntax, provide the barest rudiments of using Oracle SQL, and perhaps include a few simple examples.

It might be enough to pass a survey course, or give you some buzz words to drop in conversation with real Oracle DBAs.
But if you use Oracle SQL on a regular basis, you want much more. You want to access the full power of SQL to write queries in an Oracle environment.

You want a solid understanding of what's possible with Oracle SQL, creative techniques for writing effective and accurate queries, and the practical, hands-on information that leads to true mastery of the language.

Simply put, you want useful, expert best practices that can be put to work immediately, not just non-vendor specific overview or theory.
Updated to cover the latest version of Oracle, Oracle 10g, this edition of the highly regarded Mastering Oracle SQL has a stronger focus on technique and on Oracle's implementation of SQL than any other book on the market.

It covers Oracle s vast library of built-in functions, the full range of Oracle SQL query-writing features, regular expression support, new aggregate and analytic functions, subqueries in the SELECT and WITH clauses, multiset union operators, enhanced support for hierarchical queries: leaf and loop detection, and the CONNECT_BY_ROOT operator, new partitioning methods (some introduced in Oracle9i Release 2), and the native XML datatype, XMLType.

Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition fills the gap between the sometimes spotty vendor documentation, and other books on SQL that just don't explore the full depth of what is possible with Oracle-specific SQL.

For those who want to harness the untapped (and often overlooked) power of Oracle SQL, this essential guide for putting Oracle SQL to work will prove invaluable.

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Oracle SQL Tuning Pocket Reference

Publisher : O'Rially
One of the most important challenges faced by Oracle database administrators and Oracle developers is the need to tune SQL statements so that they execute efficiently.

Poorly tuned SQL statements are one of the leading causes of substandard database performance and poor response time.

SQL statements that perform poorly result in frustration for users, and can even prevent a company from serving its customers in a timely manner.

In this book, Mark Gurry shares his in-depth knowledge of Oracle's SQL statement optimizers. Mark's knowledge is the result of many hard-fought tuning battles during his many years of providing Oracle tuning services to clients.

Mark provides insights into the workings of the rule-based optimizer that go well beyond what the rules tell you. Mark also provides solutions to many common problems that occur with both the rule-based and cost-based optimizers.

In addition to the specific problem/solution scenarios for the optimizers, Mark provides a number of handy SQL tuning tips.
He discusses the various optimizer hints, telling you when they can be used to good effect.

Finally, Mark discusses the use of the DBMS_STATS package to manage database statistics, and the use of outlines to specify execution plans for SQL statements in third-party applications that you can't otherwise modify.

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O'Reilly , Oracle PL-SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference Download Here..
O'Reilly , Oracle PL SQL Programming Download Here..
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